Aino Siren

My love-affair with yoga started in the early 2000’s, and I have been teaching since 2008. Soon after beginning to teach, I found myself devoted to this transformative path and began teaching full time. At the same time, I got to learn from some of the best along the way, sitting in classes for 20 years; such an honor to receive the direct shakti transmission from the elders in our lineage. In 2012, my love of travel led me to combine yoga and travel by offering transformative yoga retreats around the globe.  My yoga roots are grounded in the teachings of ISHTA lineage, and I have led several 200 hour and 300 hour Teacher Trainings in NYC & in Finland. 

Plant medicine work came into my life in 2018, and in 2019 in a ceremony I received a download that informed me that my path was changing. This new path would include Plant medicine ceremony work, and I was shown I would combine it with yoga practices. For the following 5 years I worked with the plants and with my teacher very closely. This guidance became my North Star for the work that I offer today. Plant intelligence is part of every class I teach in the form of essential oils. 

I weave a well-balanced asana class inspired by my dance background. Each class is seasoned with pranayama and kriya-techniques, meditation & mudras, also often moments of heartfelt laughter during the class, as we release the need to take everything so seriously.

I moved to beautiful Santa Barbara in 2023 from New York and am delighted to share the teachings that flow through me with this community. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.