Kaita Mrazek

On my personal path, I have trained in many movement modalities to bolster my ability to help you celebrate the gift of having a human form. I value Pilates for its intelligent sequencing and focus on form. I lov...

🔸 Restorative Re-Tuning


at YOGA SOUP (28 PARKER WAY SANTA BARBARA, California 93101)

Saturday, June 29

7-8:30 PM

$40 / $35 Early Bird by June 22

This event explores skillful softening, trusting ourselves to unwind. Explore the balance of effort and release, of listening and responding. This class is loosely inspired by the energy of the Water Element in Chinese Medicine, associated with the kidney and bladder organs. The kidneys are credited with generating our life force, our will power, and our relationship to fear. The wisdom in movement and the metaphors of our practice will reveal themselves to you to connect with what you are personally seeking. Settle in. Together and as ourselves.

Open to all levels.

*This event is included in Level 1 training. We will apply the Fascial Re-tuning techniques we have learned, experiencing how even effort can be restorative. Check out the Level 1 Training HERE. Â