Kaita Mrazek

On my personal path, I have trained in many movement modalities to bolster my ability to help you celebrate the gift of having a human form. I value Pilates for its intelligent sequencing and focus on form. I love Yoga for the self-inquiry it demands in the midst of physical and mental challenge. I turn to dance and unstructured movement for self-expression. You will experience a sprinkling of all of these things and more in our work together.

We will use movement as a tool for self-inquiry and for cultivating appreciation and compassion. You may discover that the shape of your body will change, and you will feel better in your own skin, but it will come from creating a foundation for your relationship to your body that you can turn to throughout the rest of your life. 

In my opinion, one of the most beautiful things to behold is someone exploring movement with their own sense of ownership, independent of what they think is “correct.” My intention is to create a container with guidance and support for you to forge your own sensible path to healthy movement. 

I am not interested in “fixing” your body. I am interested in what your potential can be when you learn to truly appreciate inhabiting your body.

relevant certifications:
E-RYT 200
FST Level 2 Practitioner
BASI Pilates Certified
B.S. Dance and Psychology
former visiting researcher UCSB
