Jazmin Ment

When not teaching or practicing yoga, you can probably find me in the ocean surfing or gone to the mountains seeking solace in vast landscapes. Thanks to my mom, who insisted I do yoga with her, yoga and meditation have been integral to most of my life.

I’ve practiced Iyengar and other forms of yoga since I was a little girl and still consider myself a student first and always. With thousands of hours of study and 500+ accredited teacher training hours (E-RYT 500), my understanding of yoga, meditation, the human body, and well-being is ever-growing and heartfelt. I initially studied to become a yoga teacher with Ganga White and Tracy Rich here in Santa Barbara. I then completed my in-depth 300-hr advanced teacher training with world-renowned teachers Colleen Saidman Yee and Rodney Yee. In recent years I have taken a mentor role as a part of their teacher trainings. I consider Rodney and Colleen my primary teachers and have studied with them since I was 15 years old. In addition to my weekly classes, I currently co-lead yoga teacher trainings at Yoga Soup. It is an honor and a joy!

Through creative and thoughtful sequencing, postural technique, and hopefully a little humor, my sincere intention is that my classes are a vessel to explore honest self-inquiry, deep listening, potent rest, and radical joy. My teaching style incorporates my deep-rooted background in Iyengar yoga with the fluid evolution of Vinyasa yoga. My approach is rooted in postural alignment, yoga therapy, human anatomy and physiology, pranayama (breath), and meditation. It is with great devotion and gratitude that I get to share this gift of yoga with you.

Fun fact: I used to be an acrobat in the circus.